Tomie Ando (Eurythmy, Japan)
Fatima Gomez(Dance, Germany)
Dio Mock (Performance, Germany)
Maren Stott (Eurythmy, Germnay)
Photographies by Tibaire Useche.
We have started a process of community work and performance, that has been confirmed as a potential mine for art research by "4 Temperaments 4 Elements" during this summer 2007, with the presence of mime, dance, eurythmy, performance, painting, photography, printing, music and words. Everything comming from countries like: Venezuela, Switzerland, Spain, Japan, Germany, Uk.
The pictures above are some of the images reflecting the product of 6 month research within different art disciplines, working under the challenge of distance and individual commitment. We are very pleased with results and we want to express our gratitude to the London audience, Venezuelan Embassy, Stourbridge Town Hall,, London magazine, London Express Newss, Stourbridge News, and Park Road Pilot support, at the same time to express gratitude to a group of people who supported and helped us a lot before, during and after the event: Carolina Restrepo (without her marketing wouldn't been possible! my greatest support the whole time), Joel Aragon, Marcia Torres, Jonas, Ryszard Rojewski, Greg Bold, Alberto Fuentes, Peter Jordan, Georgina Big, Michael Crouch and my apollogises if I am forgeting someone, I thank you very much too!
Finally, express my many many thanks to each of the artists involved, for their passion, commitment, love to the arts, support to my initial idea and the quality of the performance and art pieces than they brought.
Looking forward to a new year full of opportunities and well deserve finantial support!!!.
Many thanks!!!
Tibaire Useche