Top: Lixse Aguilar, Venezuela
Botton: CASTADIVA, Argentina
We started a process of community work and performance, that has been confirmed as a potential mine for art research through Descalzos Creativos 2005 "Behind The Threshold" and "Four Temperaments/Four Elements" during summer 2007. Both events have gave us a great reference of success! We had the presence in London and Stourbridge of mime, dance, eurythmy, performancec, painting, photography, printing, music and words. Everything coming from countries like: Venezuela, Uk, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, Japan; working under the challenge of distance, internet possibilities and individual commitment.
Now is the time for Descalzos Creativos 2009, which will have as artists involve: CASTADIVA (Dance, Argentina), PUROPIE Danza Contemporanea (Dance, Venezuela), RAIZ DE AGUA (Dane/Music, Venezuela/Brazil), Fatima Gomez (Dance, Portugal), Darwin Diaz (Dance. Venezuela/Germany), Carolina Restrepo (Visual Artist, Switzerland), Dioberma Diaz (Visual Artist, Venezuela), Shaila Shariff (Photographer, England), Tomie Ando (Eurythmist, Japan), Dio Mock (Visual artist/performer, Germany), Monika Miha'lyfi (Ceramist, Hungary), Joel Aragon (Dancer/Eurytmist, Mexico), Lixse Aguilar (Dancer, Venezuela), Freddy Nanez (Poet, Venezuela), Carolina de Luca (dancer, Argentina).
At this point we'll need not just the commitment of the artists involved but the financial support of individuals and companies that would kindly donate through our Paypal Link at the right top corner of this page or sending us a donation by check to our postal address:
Descalzos Creativos/Barefoot Creatives