"Walking, barefoot, I could feel the energy of the Earth, with the cruelty or smoothness of its surface touching my feet. We react to it, we create and leave behind the foot prints of our own path as an invitation towards a creative destiny...Welcome to this side of the road and thanks for sharing this first part of our journey!!!"..... Tibaire Useche email: descalzoscreativos@yahoo.com

Saturday, April 26, 2008


This year is being incredible in terms of the artistic and human support we have recived so far. We have closed time for porposals and we are gladly sorprise with the level and amount of proposals we have over the table by artists from places like: Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico, Pakistan, India, Germany, japan, Switzerland, Hungary, among others... Thank you so much!!! we'll be pulishing the list of names that will take part of Descalzos Creativos 2009 "Belonging/Individuality" very shortly.

Please keep alive your support and creative energy!!!

Tibaire Useche

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