"Walking, barefoot, I could feel the energy of the Earth, with the cruelty or smoothness of its surface touching my feet. We react to it, we create and leave behind the foot prints of our own path as an invitation towards a creative destiny...Welcome to this side of the road and thanks for sharing this first part of our journey!!!"..... Tibaire Useche email: descalzoscreativos@yahoo.com

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always on your back.
May the sun shine warm on your face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields, and,
until we meet again...
May God hold you softly in the palm of his hand."

Old Irish Blessing

I wrote the words of barefoot creatives about the four elements that you see on the previous article, and later on I found myself reading this very beautifull blessing which contains a similar feeling within the four elements as well, it was found in "Notes from a friend" by Anthony Robbins. Therefore, I thought I should share with you this ancient version of my feelings.

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